Friday, September 30, 2016

A quirky song that starts out with "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" but evolves into chemical geo-engineered clouds or spray that create toxic "chembows" being compared to a personal toxic relationship.
Electronic music on the edgy side with harsh tones.

A song about my friend Lonnie, who passed away this summer.
How he inspired me to stay alive and beat my disease but now that inspiration is gone due to his death.
Upbeat tempo with funky guitar loop - largely composed by Jonsona - with a brief sax loop.

A song about our yard cat that I adored, named Ryder
who died from a dog attack this summer. He was less than a year old and was only here 2 months.
Very dramatic sounding low tones and mild drums with melodic chorus synth

A song about another toxic relationship that was a rebound.
This is kind of "Soft's" dirty song but at the same time, not really. It's harsh though and 18+ only!
Starts off with an african type vibe then merges into standard rock drums then "Nine Inch Nails type" drums and high toned dramatic synth.

This is essentially a "country song"
This kind of serves as the "political song" of the album and deals with the state of the world getting more volatile so you better enjoy the holidays for they may be your (our) last.
All music is county style music - all loops from Michael Bacich from Mixcraft 7.
Jonsona composed none of this music.

Inspired from the recent devastating earthquakes in Italy this summer and the fact that my opera singer cousin (sister) lives near where that happened and in Italy... a song that describes the desire to be in Italy.
The music is kind of smooth jazz, R&Bish with some electronica thrown in.

Water is a "Bypass Ratio" remake from early 2014.
A quirky song about breaking up from a bad relationship from a dangerous woman - fiction obviously ;)
"I thought I needed your love, like a body needs... Water"
The music is very close to the original version - heavy hiphop type drums with a jazzy undertone and water sounds.

Flow is weird. It is about how the affects of types of alcohol make you feel and longing for that same feeling from a world of peace, success and joy - a world that doesn't really exist in reality.
This is where the music of the album starts to finish off with a "soft" tone, hence the name of the album.
Very dramatic movie type music with light drums and piano.

Blue is pretty much about the only love of my life that passed away this summer.
The whole album is dedicated to him and my friend Lonnie
This music is also very soft and dramatic movie-esque with soft drums and piano.


This will be the last full album from Jonsona for a long long time.
To those of you that have busy lives and didn't support me as an artist, I understand!
To those of you that have truly supported me and my art (especially my biggest fans and my family), I adore you and thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
To those of you that, my music and style just isn't your cup of tea - that's okay too!
To those of you that said that you "hate me" and or refused to even respond back to me when I have asked for some help with connections and other ways to help me get my music out there and even sell it - you fucking SUCK!
And to those of you that are close minded and think that I don't have a right to express myself how I choose because of my beliefs, my disease, my orientation or my age... you can suck my dick!!!


"SOFT" will be released this late fall. All images and content are property of Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm